Friday, October 14, 2005

BC Teacher Strike

The teacher's are on strike here. The rest of us can't work as a result. I hope it ends soon as we buy the new house in 2 weeks today. On the other hand ... I have more time to do things and have even posted (or am posting).

The governement goes on and on about the ilegality of the strike ... yet they had a vote and decided that they would make it illegal - no one else seems to see the farcical nature of this declaration. If I was playing a game with someone and they start changing the rules to favour their side as we were playing I'd quit. why does the government get to change the rules and then stand there as though we're talking about the 10 commandments carved in stone for ages. We are talking about an employer saying "you can't threaten us with job action we make the rules here". Then they posture and strut saying we won't bargain till you quit breaking the law. What spoiled egotists!

Not that the teachers are without faults but get real the issue is a broken process not law. over 50% of British Columbians are in support of the teachers and less than 20% support the governments actions. What does that say about representative government?

Get off your buts, honorable MLAs! Quit posturing and flexing your legal muscles and do what you are elected to do and manage the affairs of this province. I don't think that the issue of bullying is limited to the playgrounds. I think both sides need a detention and some time to cool off.

That's my thoughts anyway.


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