Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Tidal wave??

We heard this morning about a tidal wave warning issued last night after teh quake off California's coast. Everyone is making all this noise now because they didn't hear a thing about it last night.
1) It was a remote possibility that some remote northern areas might see a much diminished wave front.
2) It was called off an hour before the predicted time as there was absolutely no sign of disturbance this far north

If it was likely to affect us they would have done more as it is some of the more concerned that did hear the "warning" rushed up the mountain roads (breaking speed laws and running lights to get out of town)! What would have happened if more people had heard about it?????

We might have had deaths from the wave that never came - not just those trying to escape but what about the rush on Jordan River at 8pm???? I think the town normally rolls up the sidewalks by then.

Get a grip! When the end is here all will hear the Horn and see Bifrost. We wont miss it - trust me!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


"showing up when and where you are expected to"

Or is it just not calling in sick on a sunny day?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Du mussa skraekaso
Screachers - I wonder if it is true that the name came from the screaming and squealings whaen the lactose hit the digestive tracks of indineous ppl who did not have an acquired tolerance for dairy products as did the newly landed Norse?

An interesting image nonetheless.

What would visitors call us when we sup their mead of choice and can't handle it.

"We call that planet EEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIAAAAMMDDYYYYYYYYIIIIING after the noise they made after supping on stellar mead, It's a pity they didn't survive the first week of contact!"